Who shall live? Who shall die? India faces Sophie’s Choice: our tragic dilemma is to choose between present lives and future lives

The old idea that civilisation is destroyed from within, not from without, has been turned upside down. In just a few weeks a virus ten-thousandth of a millimetre in diameter has spread around the world like wildfire from a market in Wuhan, to threaten our civilised order. How we respond to the moral dilemmas raised by Covid-19 will reflect on our values and the number of lives we save.

India is free, its schools are not – Reform must have two legs: Autonomy for private schools and quality for government schools

Another Republic Day has come and gone, with an unhappy reminder of the tragic gap between our aspirations and the harsh reality. For 70 years we have wanted our children to grow up into free thinking, confident and innovative Indians. But our education system has done everything possible to disempower them. It is a heart breaking sight to see long lines of parents waiting year after year to get their child into a decent school. Most of them are doomed to failure as there aren’t enough places in good schools.

Finally, some good news!

Take the long view and you will find the world is getting better

Ten steps to $5 trillion: Lesson from RCEP fiasco is that India must execute bold reforms to become competitive

November 4, 2019 was a sad day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to walk out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations at the eleventh-hour, admitting that India couldn’t compete with Asia, especially China. It was a big and painful decision as this is no ordinary trade agreement. Had India joined, RCEP would have become the world’s largest free trade area comprising 16 countries, half the world’s population, 40% of global trade and 35% of world’s wealth in the fastest growing area of the world.

In search of a conservative Indian: We are drowned today by the shrill noises from Hindu nationalists and left secularists

The precipitous decline of Congress worries many Indians who believe that choice and a responsible opposition are important. Democracies elsewhere offer a choice between liberals and conservatives through a two-party system. Liberals prefer modernity while conservatives favour tradition and continuity; liberals want rapid change, conservatives prefer it to be gradual. Conservatives tend to be more nationalistic, religious and market oriented; liberals are more secular and oriented to social welfare.

Can India grow during the day when the govt is looking?

Gurgaon was a sleepy backwater with no local government, no industry, no railway line, and impoverished farmers, but in 2012, it has become the epitome of India's rise. Photo: Pradeep Gaur/Mint

सुशासन से भारत में घुलेंगे-मिलेंगे कश्मीरी

हमारा सामना इस असुविधाजनक सत्य से है कि हिंदुत्व व कश्मीरियत सहित हर राष्ट्रवाद काल्पनिक ह

कश्मीर के राजनीतिक दर्जेमें किए बदलाव से कश्मीरियों में गुस्सा, भय, अलगाव और आत्म-सम्मान खोने की भावना है। कई लोगों ने कश्मीरियत को पहुंची चोट को कानूनी और ऐतिहासिक दृष्टिकोण से देखने की कोशिश की है लेकिन, जरूरत राष्ट्रीय पहचान की दार्शनिक समझ की है। खासतौर पर कश्मीरियों और भारतीयों को इस तथ्य को समझना होगा कि राष्ट्रीय और क्षेत्रीय पहचानें काल्पनिक हैं। हिंदुत्व और कश्मीरियत दोनों आविष्कृत अवधारणाएं हैं। इससे कुछ रोष शांत करने में मदद मिलेगी।