Foreign Affairs | 15 April 2019

Why I Fell Out of Love With India's Reformist Prime Minister

India in 2014 was a troubled and discontented nation. Inflation was in the double digits, growth was declining, and corruption was rampant. Sick of the drift and paralysis in the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, many Indians longed for a leader who would get the nation out of the mess. The situation was not unlike Britain's in the late 1970s. Britain found Margaret Thatcher; India found Narendra Modi.

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The Globalist | 04 January 2019

The beguiling world of kama, presented around the Western world's Christmastime.

"Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness," wrote Vladimir Nabokov in the opening lines of his memoir, Speak Memory.

Nabokov believed that human beings are more afraid of the abyss after death and viewed the one before birth more calmly.

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Outlook | 19 December 2018

Das’s erudite treatise on the nature of desire—its opposite pulls and its shape in literature—is weakly illumined by a fictional prop with cardboard characters

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THEWEEK | 24 October 2018

By Sanjaya Baru

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Open Magazine | 28 October 2016

The road to sustainable markets

THE IDEA THAT an ancient Indian concept, dharma, might offer insight into the nature of the competitive market is, on the face of it, bizarre. But this is precisely what I intend to show in this essay. Dharma is a difficult word to translate into English. Duty, goodness, justice, law, and religion have something to do with it, but they all fall short. For our purposes, however, think of dharma as doing the right thing, both in private and public life.

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Business World | 14 December 2015

Dharma is a frustrating, almost untranslatable word. Duty, goodness, justice, and law have something to do with it, but they all fall short

Some nations seem to possess a code word, which is like a key — it unlocks the secrets of the country. That word is ‘liberty’ in America’s case. It is égalité, ‘equality’, in the case of France. For India, the code word is ‘dharma’.

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Forbes India | 20 August 2015

The much-maligned caste system and the training it provided to budding entrepreneurs may have played a crucial role in India's growth story.

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Forbes India | 11 August 2014

He has to correct a story of private success and public failure

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India Today | 20 June 2014

Narendra Modi's defining qualities are a sense of purpose.

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