When governance cripples growth #INKtalk

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"India is a story of bottom-up success, success of the people. Follow through as author Gurcharan Das shares insights on how our nation may be rising despite the state, the idea of Dharma, and the need for a strong liberal state."

Exclusive Interview on Indian Economy at India Brand Equity Foundation (WWW.IBEF.ORG)

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Gurcharan Das has been widely acclaimed for his views on the potential of India’s economy and the values of its people, which are aptly reflected in his bestsellers like Elephant Paradigm, India Unbound and The Difficulty of Being Good: On the subtle art of dharma. He is a regular columnist in leading newspapers and also writes periodically for renowned international publications like the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs and Newsweek.

Gurcharan Das argues the need for a liberal state in India

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International best-selling author and public intellectual Gurcharan Das speaks with Emory professor of religion Paul Courtright about the need for India to become a liberal state that successfully maintains democracy with accountability, the rule of law, and decisive governmental action.

"In our obsession with accountability and the rule of law, we have forgotten the reason why the state was created. It was created to act and do things," says Das.

Gurcharan Das on Anna Hazare and the need for civic engagement by average Indians

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International best-selling author and public intellectual Gurcharan Das speaks with Emory professor of religion Paul Courtright on activist Anna Hazare and his legacy of exposing the growing middle class and its intolerance for corrupted politics. As India's middle class is expected to reach 50 percent of the population, Das is reminded of Alexis de Tocqueville and his advice to Americans on engaging in politics at the neighborhood level.

Gurcharan Das talks about his career path and India's economic independence

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International best-selling author and public intellectual Gurcharan Das speaks with Emory professor of religion Paul Courtright about growing up in India during the 1950s, suffering under a "licensed raj" during Proctor & Gamble's acquisition of his company Richardson Hindustan Limited (VICKS), and how India's true independence came in 1991 with a liberalized economy.