Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) | 10 July 2019

नरेन्द्र मोदी के फिर चुने जाने के बाद धीरे-धीरेबढ़ती तानाशाही का भय फिर जताया जारहा है लेकिन, मुझे उलटी ही चिंता है। मुझे शक्तिशालीसे नहीं बल्कि कमजोर व बेअसर राज्य-व्यवस्था(राज) से डर लगता है। कमजोर राज्य-व्यवस्था मेंकमजोर संस्थान होते हैं, खासतौर पर कानून का कमजोरराज होता है, जिसे न्याय देने में दर्जनों साल लग जातेहैं और अदालतों में 3.3 करोड़ प्रकरण निलंबित रहतेहैं। यह कमजोरों को शक्तिशाली के खिलाफ संरक्षणनहीं देती और विधायिका के हर तीन में से एक सदस्यके आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड को बर्दाश्त कर लेती है। कमजोरराज्य-व्यवस्था लोगों के मन में निश्चिंतता के बजायअनिश्चितता पैदा करती है औ

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Times of India | 03 June 2019

With the re-election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, fears are again being expressed of creeping authoritarianism in India. But i worry about the opposite problem. I do not fear a strong state but a weak and ineffective one. A weak state has frail institutions, especially a feeble rule of law that takes a dozen years to give justice and has 3.3 crore cases pending in the courts. A weak state does not protect the weak against the strong.

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Times of India | 25 March 2019

I lost my friends on the Left when i voted for Narendra Modi in 2014. I lost my friends on the Right when i criticised Modi for demonetisation, majoritarian politics and weakened institutions.

With the election approaching, i am disillusioned. Acche din have not come but nationalism has, and the India that i love is changing. I am surrounded by Modi bhakts and Modi haters, both of whom i find mildly distasteful.

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Times of India | 21 January 2019

On the same day, ironically, the Rajya Sabha passed the constitutional amendment enabling the whacky 10% quota for the 'poor' in higher education and government jobs, an email arrived in my mailbox about an ongoing research project at Harvard comparing meritocracy in India and China. The Harvard project is based on the belief that the two largest and oldest societies in the world can learn from each other in managing talent despite their different political systems.

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Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) | 16 January 2019

सबको समायोजित करने और सामाजिक व सांस्कृतिक विरोधाभास मिटाने वाले मध्यमार्ग का निर्माण

चुनावों की एक और शृंखला आकर चली गई, अब आम चुनाव की आहट है। किसी सर्जरी की तरह चुनाव नेताओं के दिमाग से सारे विचार निकालकर उनका फोकस आर्थिक व शासन संबंधी सुधारों के कठि न काम को भुलाकर लोकलुभावन कदमों व खैरात बांटने पर केंद्रित कर देते हैं। नतीजों ने दिखाया कि भारतीय स्वभाव से शक्की हैं और अपने नेताओं को बदलने में झिझकते नहीं। 2014 की विशाल निश्चितताओं की जगह अब 2019 के महान संदेह ने ले ली है।

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Times of India | 24 December 2018

Another series of elections has come and gone. Like an imminent surgery, an election has a way of crowding out all thoughts from the mind and turning the focus of politicians to populism and free giveaways, forgetting the difficult job of economic and governance reform. The results of the latest state elections have reminded us that Indians are by nature sceptical and not shy to change their leaders. The grand certainties of 2014 have suddenly become the grand doubts of 2019.

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Business Line | 19 December 2018

Channelling kama for a higher purpose

Desire is innate to human existence, and love is its prime manifestation. From sexual to asexual and from material to abstract, desire is double-edged, something that explores human strengths while simultaneously imploring its vulnerabilities. Lethal as it may seem, desire’s origin as Kama in scriptures and philosophies swings between two extremes — Vatsyayana’s sensuous poetry and Victorian middle-class morality.

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