Narayana Murthy on The Difficulty of Being Good

“I do not know of any book that describes the impact of India's economic policies on her growth during the post-independent India as analytically, logically and vividly as this one. The author's words are a gentle cry for India's poor. This brilliant work in political economy is for all young Indians, especially budding politicians and IAS probationers. It deserves to be translated in all Indian languages so that the common person can become better educated about the policies that they want for their country.”

- Narayana Murthy, former CEO Infosys. Extract from a 45 minute talk
on India Unbound at the Habitat Centre, New Delhi in 2001

Gurcharan Das is a rare author who can speak to businessmen, modern-day savants and the uninitiated. This book is a scholarly discussion of the intellectual framework of the subtleties of Dharma, as espoused by Mahabharata. This book brings out Gurcharan Das at his intellectual best. It is a must read to resolve the moral dilemmas of life”.

- Narayana Murthy on The Difficulty of Being Good